Light Beams! Happy 2021! If you are reading this, you made it! WE made it to this exact moment and that’s hella celebration worthy! I would love to skip this awkward intro - me explaining cliche reasons why I haven’t finished part III of the Spiritual Sex blog trilogy but I can’ttttttt! (If you haven’t read Part I and Part II, or need a refresher, read them first for context linked here.) I apologize that it’s taken me eons to share this. Honestly no reason other than I fell off! Whew *ownership*. I am always surprised that this is my most frequented blog to date out of all the things I have shared and I am honored that ya’ll have been still shooting your shot requesting part III 2 years later. So boom, we are here: Sex Magic(k)!
Before I get too deep, let me just sit this right here. Sex Magic can be both a partnered experience and a powerful self-loving practice (so keep reading happily self-loving and singles). Sex Magic is a practice using the power of sexual (life force) energy to manifest your desires and wield change in your world. In Cosmo’s language, “it is a manifestation practice that amplifies our intentions with the energetic power of an ORGASM”. Say what?!
If you are currently in your head thinking *is this even a thing?* Why yes! It’s definitely a thing and you don’t have to be a bruja to take full advantage of your sacred powers. In fact, after reading this, you just might high key add Sex Magic to your Things-to-do 2021 list! If you read the title and landed here for kicks and giggles because click bait, you still might want to grab some note taking tools. Preparing screen shot fingers counts too ya’ll!
As a brief recap, in Part I, The Spirituality in Sexuality, we understood that Sexuality is as much a part of our divinity as any other part of us and further, that it’s undeniable power can be a spectacular influence in personal healing and spiritual growth. We learned that our body’s energy centers, both Root and Sacral Chakras play a great role in healthy - balanced sexual expression. SN: Chakras are the energy centers within the body that govern our energy (life force) that makes us feel ALIVE.
We also learned that our Sacral chakra, located just below our navel, manages sexual energy in whole. In addition, the Sacral chakra is our joy center, where our creative energy is birthed. Why is this important? The powerful sexual energy that resides in the sacral chakra is the SAME energy we use to CREATE dope shxt making orgasmic energy the absolute TRILLEST for manifesting what we want. Word!
So what now? What does that even look like?
Firstly, fall back on feeling like you’ll have to spin 3 times and do back flips because NOT AT ALL. Don’t sweat, it’s fairly easy! Here are a few steps to get you started using Sex Magic as a super power to manifest shxt:
Step 1: Intention! Set your sights on ONE clear intention or what you would like to bring to life in tangible form. Clear meaning be specific. If you are engaging in partnered sex, it’s helpful to discuss and decide together which can be a really honest and fun thing to do. Agree ahead of time on your intention and desired outcome. It is important to be on the same page, as conflict diminishes manifesting power causing the outcome to be neutral.
Step 2: Write it down! Cliche? Maybe but if you know anything about manifesting your goals and desires, you know writing it down energizes our desire thoughts and allows them to take form in a tangible way. Get it on paper, in an old fashion, actual pen to paper way. Journal or bullet point. Make it plain for the eyes to see. Be mindful, one objective is worked on at a time - even if you’ve recorded several things you would like to manifest (more orgasms will be required for that, I do not object). If you don’t have time to jot it down, you can still Sex Magic, just skip to step 3.
Step 3 & 4: Feel it Real! Meditate on it! Generate positive feelings toward your desired outcome and mentally visualize it. It may even be helpful to have a picture or drawing. See it, taste and smell it if you can too! The more energy directed to your intention, the better.
Step 5: Release! Infuse all of this powerful manifesting energy you’ve created into sex.
Don’t rush. Direct your erotic energy toward your clear intention while you self-pleasure or engage with your partner. Build your sexual energy gradually and when you are ready to release at climax, see your intention clearly as your body releases life force energy through orgasm to amplify it! BOOM, so be it!
Any variation to the the suggested steps is perfection too! There’s no set formula, do what resonates with you. Hopefully you will be feeling like magic after your big energy orgasm or orgasms cause multiples be fire! But now you can relax and observe the universe conspire to make your intention happen. Sex Magic can be a very powerful support tool to manifesting your desires, not to mention a fun and feel good one too! Orgasms?! Like really, say no more! You had me at orgasm, Hello Somebody! You better manifest the shxt out of whatever you want, already!
If reading any of this made or makes you slightly uncomfortable, that’s okay, your sexual expression may be a little jammed up. It sounds like your Root and Sacral Chakra may need a little tender, love and care which is totally no fault of your own. I discuss supportive steps to take to balance and heal sexual expression in Part I. It is my desire that you embrace your sexual expression fully and freely as a part of the divine being that you are. That you are opened to the idea, sex is powerful and can be healing, so long as we are engaging guilt free and making healthy sexual choices that support our bodies and well-being. Repeat this affirmation: your (my) sexuality is powerful and inhabits the same marvelous vessel God created you (me) in!
That’s that! Thank you for sharing this space with me and reading Spiritual Sex Part III. If you gathered any insightful gems from this, please don’t be shy, leave a comment below. Lovingly, if your sexual boldness is still a work in progress, send me a message or email! I’d love to chat, because man I understand programming and trauma are a beast. Whew chile!
I love you light beams immensely! You’re so dope, you know! Also, should I blog more? Asking for myself!
Shina Sanabria